
Showing posts from 2019

Orion's North Belt Arrow

     This is an arrow which resides inside of the constellation known as "Orion's Belt". I'm not familiar with the story behind Orion's Belt, nor do I have any particular knowledge about astronomy. However, I'm going to share a wiki-link: in case you are interested in a brief summary about it. I'm also not sure how much of wiki is historically accurate, or even if the source is reliable but there were a few different points in the article that I found interesting.       So, what does a figure in the stars have to do with me?        In 2018 I received a DM from a girl who I had been friends with for years, whom I used to write letters to when I was still at my parent's house back in 2010 (I didn't have a phone so I wrote my friends letters), and DM goes as follows: " Dallas, how could you possibly be able to relate to the suffering I have? You have never had anything bad happen